Triflor - Specialists in Tulips
For years, the love for tulips has been the driving force behind everything we do at Triflor; from the first tulips forced in 1965 to the growing of 260 hectares bulbs now. That love is shown through the quality of our bulbs and flowers!
Triflor, your best choice for tulips!
Our family company Triflor was started in 1965 by Henk van Dam as a tulip forcing company and has since then been developed by de 2nd and now 3rd generation into a comprehensive organization. From breeding and growing to export and forcing, Triflor does it all!

Flower Production
We grow every year around 30 million tulips in 115 different varieties.
Breeding of Tulips
We strive to keep our product range high quality and exclusive. We do this by, among other things, intensively engaging in breeding and have done so already for more than four decades. Often we do this in collaboration with other companies. The breeding companies Vertuco and Hybris are examples of this.

Sustainability plays a very important part in everything we do here at Triflor. We care highly for our enthusiastic staff, for a sustainable future for the environment and thus for our company and industry as well. We are proud of that and would like to show this to everyone who has to do with us:

MPS-ABC is a certificate that we use as a monitoring tool to lower our impact on the environment. By registering the usage of plant protection products, we deal with it more consciously and that ensures, among other things, less use of those resources.

Global G.A.P. stands for worldwide Good Agricultural Practices. With this certificate, we show that we have good, responsible farming and also transparency in the chain. We can also guarantee our customers that they will buy tulips that have been produced in a responsible manner.

GRASP is an add-on product of Global G.A.P. with which good social management practices can be established. This certificate shows that health, safety and the welfare of our people is our priority.